Monday, December 19, 2011


Tired of fighting, stressing, hating, being a bitch. Im tired of staying with someone when he doesnt even try to make me happy and blames all our problems on me. I cant help i have no sex drive, when all we do is fight i cant get aroused after that. When he says hurtful things like i used to be a slut and shit, i cant have sex with him after that, all i wanna do is kick him in the mouth. Im so tired of everything being made out to be my fault, bc im a bitch and im hateful. Im just tired of it.

Im tired of my boyfriends brother sleeping on our coach bc he has no friends to stay with and wont apologize to his parents for being lazy and unconsiderate. Im tired of being in a bad mood all day bc i never have any privacy. Im tired of my mom having to feed him when she can barely feed me and my boyfriend. Im tired of my brother having to stay in his treatment program and HIS brother gets to stay at MY MOMS house.