Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bentley Scott's Birth Story

So his story starts on November 23, 2010. I am sitting at home watching my 1 week old niece while my sister and mom went to the store, my boyfriend Scott and my brother had gone to one of Scott's friends house. Its around 5:30 im sitting on our love seat watching tv and have Makenna laying on my chest burping her, when i hear a "pop" literally, and gush. Now im thinking oh shit its time. I get up and sit Makenna in her crib, and go to the toilet, my pants and underwear are soaked, and its still leaking. I call my mom first and tell her, then i called Scott and said you need to come home my water just broke. They were all home within 10-15 minutes. Scott and I went to the hospital. I was put in a room right away and checked my water had definitely broken but i was only 2cm, and about 60% effaced. After about an hour or so I started having mild contractions, not bad at all. After they had called my dr and told her my progress she was on her way and informed the nurses to start me on pitocin to make my contractions more regular and effective. Pitocin is hell, and those contractions were definitely something i had not mentally prepared for. Now when in pain I apparently like to toss and turn, and breath very heavily, so thats what i did with contractions. I was finally able to get a dose of Stadol and then told to relax, try taking a hot bath in the jacuzzi tub and try to progress before the doctor got there. Well easier said then done. My doctor checked me i was 4cm almost completely effaced. I asked for an epidural, my doctor told me once my contractions were stronger and more regular id get it. I was in soo much pain, and when i wasnt contracting i was completely out of it thanks to the Stadol. So looking for any kind of relief i begged for an epi or another dose of Stadol. I got one more dose of Stadol, then was checked again, i was 6cm completely effaced, i finally was aloud to get my epi! I was in heaven then, still looped up from Stadol though. About an hour, or an hour and a half after i got the epi i was ready to push. I pushed something like 4 times and then his head was coming out and my dr told me she was going to have to cut me, so she did and out he came.

At 2:21am on November 24, 2010 at 7lbs, 2oz. and 20.5inches Bentley Scott was born. At that moment he became my world.

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